Color Palette of Fight Club (1999), filmed by Jeff Cronenweth.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#5A5444 | 90 84 68 | 43.64 24.44 35.29 | 43.64 13.92 30.98 | |
#34261B | 52 38 27 | 26.4 48.08 20.39 | 26.4 31.65 15.49 | |
#1A241B | 26 36 27 | 126 27.78 14.12 | 126 16.13 12.16 | |
#4B665F | 75 102 95 | 164.44 26.47 40 | 164.44 15.25 34.71 | |
#96B8B9 | 150 184 185 | 181.71 18.92 72.55 | 181.71 20 65.69 | |
#72918B | 114 145 139 | 168.39 21.38 56.86 | 168.39 12.35 50.78 | |
#2D3E45 | 45 62 69 | 197.5 34.78 27.06 | 197.5 21.05 22.35 | |
#090305 | 9 3 5 | 340 66.67 3.53 | 340 50 2.35 |
- Title: Fight Club
- Year: 1999
- Director: David Fincher
- Cinematographer: Jeff Cronenweth
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Fight Club.