Color Palette of La La Land (2016), filmed by Linus Sandgren.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#6F3E1D | 111 62 29 | 24.15 73.87 43.53 | 24.15 58.57 27.45 | |
#939B4E | 147 155 78 | 66.23 49.68 60.78 | 66.23 33.05 45.69 | |
#687233 | 104 114 51 | 69.52 55.26 44.71 | 69.52 38.18 32.35 | |
#06302E | 6 48 46 | 177.14 87.5 18.82 | 177.14 77.78 10.59 | |
#20303F | 32 48 63 | 209.03 49.21 24.71 | 209.03 32.63 18.63 | |
#021736 | 2 23 54 | 215.77 96.3 21.18 | 215.77 92.86 10.98 | |
#0A090E | 10 9 14 | 252 35.71 5.49 | 252 21.74 4.51 | |
#570D1A | 87 13 26 | 349.46 85.06 34.12 | 349.46 74 19.61 |
- Title: La La Land
- Year: 2016
- Director: Damien Chazelle
- Cinematographer: Linus Sandgren
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of La La Land.