Color Palette of Her (2013), filmed by Hoyte van Hoytema.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#9C513C | 156 81 60 | 13.13 61.54 61.18 | 13.13 44.44 42.35 | |
#53281F | 83 40 31 | 10.38 62.65 32.55 | 10.38 45.61 22.35 | |
#F7D4BE | 247 212 190 | 23.16 23.08 96.86 | 23.16 78.08 85.69 | |
#BFA594 | 191 165 148 | 23.72 22.51 74.9 | 23.72 25.15 66.47 | |
#C67152 | 198 113 82 | 16.03 58.59 77.65 | 16.03 50.43 54.9 | |
#AD8347 | 173 131 71 | 35.29 58.96 67.84 | 35.29 41.8 47.84 | |
#816A58 | 129 106 88 | 26.34 31.78 50.59 | 26.34 18.89 42.55 | |
#44382C | 68 56 44 | 30 35.29 26.67 | 30 21.43 21.96 |
- Title: Her
- Year: 2013
- Director: Spike Jonze
- Cinematographer: Hoyte van Hoytema
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Her.