Color Palette of La La Land (2016), filmed by Linus Sandgren.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#2A1615 | 42 22 21 | 2.86 50 16.47 | 2.86 33.33 12.35 | |
#294840 | 41 72 64 | 164.52 43.06 28.24 | 164.52 27.43 22.16 | |
#162A42 | 22 42 66 | 212.73 66.67 25.88 | 212.73 50 17.25 | |
#050507 | 5 5 7 | 240 28.57 2.75 | 240 16.67 2.35 | |
#6B5F83 | 107 95 131 | 260 27.48 51.37 | 260 15.93 44.31 | |
#523762 | 82 55 98 | 277.67 43.88 38.43 | 277.67 28.1 30 | |
#1C1026 | 28 16 38 | 272.73 57.89 14.9 | 272.73 40.74 10.59 | |
#522C3B | 82 44 59 | 336.32 46.34 32.16 | 336.32 30.16 24.71 |
- Title: La La Land
- Year: 2016
- Director: Damien Chazelle
- Cinematographer: Linus Sandgren
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of La La Land.