Color Palette of Blade Runner 2049 (2017), filmed by Roger Deakins.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#45A1AC | 69 161 172 | 186.41 59.88 67.45 | 186.41 42.74 47.25 | |
#2B819C | 43 129 156 | 194.34 72.44 61.18 | 194.34 56.78 39.02 | |
#1E373C | 30 55 60 | 190 50 23.53 | 190 33.33 17.65 | |
#105274 | 16 82 116 | 200.4 86.21 45.49 | 200.4 75.76 25.88 | |
#6052A9 | 96 82 169 | 249.66 51.48 66.27 | 249.66 34.66 49.22 | |
#2F3042 | 47 48 66 | 236.84 28.79 25.88 | 236.84 16.81 22.16 | |
#4D3358 | 77 51 88 | 282.16 42.05 34.51 | 282.16 26.62 27.25 | |
#A85D88 | 168 93 136 | 325.6 44.64 65.88 | 325.6 30.12 51.18 |
- Title: Blade Runner 2049
- Year: 2017
- Director: Denis Villeneuve
- Cinematographer: Roger Deakins
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Blade Runner 2049.