Color Palette of Les Misérables (2012), filmed by Danny Cohen.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#21221C | 33 34 28 | 70 17.65 13.33 | 70 9.68 12.16 | |
#1F0E07 | 31 14 7 | 17.5 77.42 12.16 | 17.5 63.16 7.45 | |
#41301C | 65 48 28 | 32.43 56.92 25.49 | 32.43 39.78 18.24 | |
#441002 | 68 16 2 | 12.73 97.06 26.67 | 12.73 94.29 13.73 | |
#875530 | 135 85 48 | 25.52 64.44 52.94 | 25.52 47.54 35.88 | |
#B78256 | 183 130 86 | 27.22 53.01 71.76 | 27.22 40.25 52.75 | |
#891005 | 137 16 5 | 5 96.35 53.73 | 5 92.96 27.84 | |
#DBB083 | 219 176 131 | 30.68 40.18 85.88 | 30.68 55 68.63 |
- Title: Les Misérables
- Year: 2012
- Director: Tom Hooper
- Cinematographer: Danny Cohen
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Les Misérables.