Color Palette of La La Land (2016), filmed by Linus Sandgren.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#848CCB | 132 140 203 | 233.24 34.98 79.61 | 233.24 40.57 65.69 | |
#596DAA | 89 109 170 | 225.19 47.65 66.67 | 225.19 32.27 50.78 | |
#344684 | 52 70 132 | 226.5 60.61 51.76 | 226.5 43.48 36.08 | |
#3F268E | 63 38 142 | 254.42 73.24 55.69 | 254.42 57.78 35.29 | |
#01004C | 1 0 76 | 240.79 100 29.8 | 240.79 100 14.9 | |
#060024 | 6 0 36 | 250 100 14.12 | 250 100 7.06 | |
#684FAA | 104 79 170 | 256.48 53.53 66.67 | 256.48 36.55 48.82 |
- Title: La La Land
- Year: 2016
- Director: Damien Chazelle
- Cinematographer: Linus Sandgren
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of La La Land.