Color Palette of Her (2013), filmed by Hoyte van Hoytema.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#55674D | 85 103 77 | 101.54 25.24 40.39 | 101.54 14.44 35.29 | |
#384031 | 56 64 49 | 92 23.44 25.1 | 92 13.27 22.16 | |
#151811 | 21 24 17 | 85.71 29.17 9.41 | 85.71 17.07 8.04 | |
#5B9474 | 91 148 116 | 146.32 38.51 58.04 | 146.32 23.85 46.86 | |
#1F5243 | 31 82 67 | 162.35 62.2 32.16 | 162.35 45.13 22.16 | |
#002418 | 0 36 24 | 160 100 14.12 | 160 100 7.06 | |
#28BBA1 | 40 187 161 | 169.39 78.61 73.33 | 169.39 64.76 44.51 | |
#1B7762 | 27 119 98 | 166.3 77.31 46.67 | 166.3 63.01 28.63 |
- Title: Her
- Year: 2013
- Director: Spike Jonze
- Cinematographer: Hoyte van Hoytema
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Her.