Color Palette of Her (2013), filmed by Hoyte van Hoytema.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#8A3C28 | 138 60 40 | 12.24 71.01 54.12 | 12.24 55.06 34.9 | |
#56180B | 86 24 11 | 10.4 87.21 33.73 | 10.4 77.32 19.02 | |
#C4AF90 | 196 175 144 | 35.77 26.53 76.86 | 35.77 30.59 66.67 | |
#9D8667 | 157 134 103 | 34.44 34.39 61.57 | 34.44 21.6 50.98 | |
#906241 | 144 98 65 | 25.06 54.86 56.47 | 25.06 37.8 40.98 | |
#645C49 | 100 92 73 | 42.22 27 39.22 | 42.22 15.61 33.92 | |
#614225 | 97 66 37 | 29 61.86 38.04 | 29 44.78 26.27 | |
#342818 | 52 40 24 | 34.29 53.85 20.39 | 34.29 36.84 14.9 |
- Title: Her
- Year: 2013
- Director: Spike Jonze
- Cinematographer: Hoyte van Hoytema
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Her.