Color Palette of La La Land (2016), filmed by Linus Sandgren.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#671000 | 103 16 0 | 9.32 100 40.39 | 9.32 100 20.2 | |
#2A120E | 42 18 14 | 8.57 66.67 16.47 | 8.57 50 10.98 | |
#233891 | 35 56 145 | 228.55 75.86 56.86 | 228.55 61.11 35.29 | |
#02095A | 2 9 90 | 235.23 97.78 35.29 | 235.23 95.65 18.04 | |
#0A0324 | 10 3 36 | 252.73 91.67 14.12 | 252.73 84.62 7.65 | |
#502867 | 80 40 103 | 278.1 61.17 40.39 | 278.1 44.06 28.04 | |
#080609 | 8 6 9 | 280 33.33 3.53 | 280 20 2.94 | |
#550039 | 85 0 57 | 319.76 100 33.33 | 319.76 100 16.67 |
- Title: La La Land
- Year: 2016
- Director: Damien Chazelle
- Cinematographer: Linus Sandgren
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of La La Land.