Color Palette of Les Misérables (2012), filmed by Danny Cohen.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#201614 | 32 22 20 | 10 37.5 12.55 | 10 23.08 10.2 | |
#533C34 | 83 60 52 | 15.48 37.35 32.55 | 15.48 22.96 26.47 | |
#292C23 | 41 44 35 | 80 20.45 17.25 | 80 11.39 15.49 |
- Title: Les Misérables
- Year: 2012
- Director: Tom Hooper
- Cinematographer: Danny Cohen
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Les Misérables.