Color Palette of Les Misérables (2012), filmed by Danny Cohen.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#1C0E0B | 28 14 11 | 10.59 60.71 10.98 | 10.59 43.59 7.65 | |
#443820 | 68 56 32 | 40 52.94 26.67 | 40 36 19.61 | |
#472208 | 71 34 8 | 24.76 88.73 27.84 | 24.76 79.75 15.49 | |
#8E8154 | 142 129 84 | 46.55 40.85 55.69 | 46.55 25.66 44.31 | |
#725D30 | 114 93 48 | 40.91 57.89 44.71 | 40.91 40.74 31.76 | |
#FDEAC9 | 253 234 201 | 38.08 20.55 99.22 | 38.08 92.86 89.02 | |
#7D3E09 | 125 62 9 | 27.41 92.8 49.02 | 27.41 86.57 26.27 | |
#AF7D0A | 175 125 10 | 41.82 94.29 68.63 | 41.82 89.19 36.27 |
- Title: Les Misérables
- Year: 2012
- Director: Tom Hooper
- Cinematographer: Danny Cohen
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Les Misérables.