Color Palette of La La Land (2016), filmed by Linus Sandgren.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#225A8B | 34 90 139 | 208 75.54 54.51 | 208 60.69 33.92 | |
#0C041C | 12 4 28 | 260 85.71 10.98 | 260 75 6.27 | |
#042171 | 4 33 113 | 224.04 96.46 44.31 | 224.04 93.16 22.94 | |
#07479F | 7 71 159 | 214.74 95.6 62.35 | 214.74 91.57 32.55 | |
#1D0038 | 29 0 56 | 271.07 100 21.96 | 271.07 100 10.98 | |
#230F11 | 35 15 17 | 354 57.14 13.73 | 354 40 9.8 | |
#872096 | 135 32 150 | 292.37 78.67 58.82 | 292.37 64.84 35.69 | |
#57004F | 87 0 79 | 305.52 100 34.12 | 305.52 100 17.06 |
- Title: La La Land
- Year: 2016
- Director: Damien Chazelle
- Cinematographer: Linus Sandgren
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of La La Land.