Color Palette of The Revenant (2015), filmed by Emmanuel Lubezki.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#E7E1DB | 231 225 219 | 30 5.19 90.59 | 30 20 88.24 | |
#01232C | 1 35 44 | 192.56 97.73 17.25 | 192.56 95.56 8.82 | |
#9BB3BF | 155 179 191 | 200 18.85 74.9 | 200 21.95 67.84 | |
#5392A9 | 83 146 169 | 196.05 50.89 66.27 | 196.05 34.13 49.41 | |
#58727F | 88 114 127 | 200 30.71 49.8 | 200 18.14 42.16 | |
#2E4A55 | 46 74 85 | 196.92 45.88 33.33 | 196.92 29.77 25.69 | |
#002242 | 0 34 66 | 209.09 100 25.88 | 209.09 100 12.94 | |
#4B4B58 | 75 75 88 | 240 14.77 34.51 | 240 7.98 31.96 |
- Title: The Revenant
- Year: 2015
- Director: Alejandro G. Iñárritu
- Cinematographer: Emmanuel Lubezki
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of The Revenant.