Color Palette of Carol (2015), filmed by Edward Lachman.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#27140D | 39 20 13 | 16.15 66.67 15.29 | 16.15 50 10.2 | |
#44463B | 68 70 59 | 70.91 15.71 27.45 | 70.91 8.53 25.29 | |
#513B26 | 81 59 38 | 29.3 53.09 31.76 | 29.3 36.13 23.33 | |
#75634B | 117 99 75 | 34.29 35.9 45.88 | 34.29 21.88 37.65 | |
#221F10 | 34 31 16 | 50 52.94 13.33 | 50 36 9.8 | |
#52526C | 82 82 108 | 240 24.07 42.35 | 240 13.68 37.25 | |
#010006 | 1 0 6 | 250 100 2.35 | 250 100 1.18 | |
#6F5556 | 111 85 86 | 357.69 23.42 43.53 | 357.69 13.27 38.43 |
- Title: Carol
- Year: 2015
- Director: Todd Haynes
- Cinematographer: Edward Lachman
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Carol.