Color Palette of Les Misérables (2012), filmed by Danny Cohen.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#1C1411 | 28 20 17 | 16.36 39.29 10.98 | 16.36 24.44 8.82 | |
#463022 | 70 48 34 | 23.33 51.43 27.45 | 23.33 34.62 20.39 | |
#6E543D | 110 84 61 | 28.16 44.55 43.14 | 28.16 28.65 33.53 | |
#4D4727 | 77 71 39 | 50.53 49.35 30.2 | 50.53 32.76 22.75 | |
#8D8C6D | 141 140 109 | 58.13 22.7 55.29 | 58.13 12.8 49.02 | |
#172323 | 23 35 35 | 180 34.29 13.73 | 180 20.69 11.37 | |
#4F7172 | 79 113 114 | 181.71 30.7 44.71 | 181.71 18.13 37.84 | |
#254E54 | 37 78 84 | 187.66 55.95 32.94 | 187.66 38.84 23.73 |
- Title: Les Misérables
- Year: 2012
- Director: Tom Hooper
- Cinematographer: Danny Cohen
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Les Misérables.