Color Palette of Saving Private Ryan (1998), filmed by Janusz Kamiński.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#1C1817 | 28 24 23 | 12 17.86 10.98 | 12 9.8 10 | |
#C09F52 | 192 159 82 | 42 57.29 75.29 | 42 46.61 53.73 | |
#A37834 | 163 120 52 | 36.76 68.1 63.92 | 36.76 51.63 42.16 | |
#3E2C18 | 62 44 24 | 31.58 61.29 24.31 | 31.58 44.19 16.86 | |
#E8E5C2 | 232 229 194 | 55.26 16.38 90.98 | 55.26 45.24 83.53 | |
#DACE62 | 218 206 98 | 54 55.05 85.49 | 54 61.86 61.96 | |
#564F33 | 86 79 51 | 48 40.7 33.73 | 48 25.55 26.86 | |
#77908D | 119 144 141 | 172.8 17.36 56.47 | 172.8 10.12 51.57 |
- Title: Saving Private Ryan
- Year: 1998
- Director: Steven Spielberg
- Cinematographer: Janusz Kamiński
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Saving Private Ryan.