Color Palette of Saving Private Ryan (1998), filmed by Janusz Kamiński.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#EAEBBF | 234 235 191 | 61.36 18.72 92.16 | 61.36 52.38 83.53 | |
#90968A | 144 150 138 | 90 8 58.82 | 90 5.41 56.47 | |
#525C54 | 82 92 84 | 132 10.87 36.08 | 132 5.75 34.12 | |
#2C362E | 44 54 46 | 132 18.52 21.18 | 132 10.2 19.22 | |
#C0E3E9 | 192 227 233 | 188.78 17.6 91.37 | 188.78 48.24 83.33 | |
#90A8B4 | 144 168 180 | 200 20 70.59 | 200 19.35 63.53 | |
#647B89 | 100 123 137 | 202.7 27.01 53.73 | 202.7 15.61 46.47 | |
#344451 | 52 68 81 | 206.9 35.8 31.76 | 206.9 21.8 26.08 |
- Title: Saving Private Ryan
- Year: 1998
- Director: Steven Spielberg
- Cinematographer: Janusz Kamiński
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Saving Private Ryan.