Color Palette of Saving Private Ryan (1998), filmed by Janusz Kamiński.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#794B33 | 121 75 51 | 20.57 57.85 47.45 | 20.57 40.7 33.73 | |
#42210E | 66 33 14 | 21.92 78.79 25.88 | 21.92 65 15.69 | |
#73736B | 115 115 107 | 60 6.96 45.1 | 60 3.6 43.53 | |
#4E4F47 | 78 79 71 | 67.5 10.13 30.98 | 67.5 5.33 29.41 | |
#97AF8F | 151 175 143 | 105 18.29 68.63 | 105 16.67 62.35 | |
#65845A | 101 132 90 | 104.29 31.82 51.76 | 104.29 18.92 43.53 | |
#445F3E | 68 95 62 | 109.09 34.74 37.25 | 109.09 21.02 30.78 | |
#242F21 | 36 47 33 | 107.14 29.79 18.43 | 107.14 17.5 15.69 |
- Title: Saving Private Ryan
- Year: 1998
- Director: Steven Spielberg
- Cinematographer: Janusz Kamiński
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Saving Private Ryan.