Color Palette of Ex Machina (2014), filmed by Rob Hardy.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#280000 | 40 0 0 | 0 100 15.69 | 0 100 7.84 | |
#5C0400 | 92 4 0 | 2.61 100 36.08 | 2.61 100 18.04 | |
#B2000E | 178 0 14 | 355.28 100 69.8 | 355.28 100 34.9 |
- Title: Ex Machina
- Year: 2014
- Director: Alex Garland
- Cinematographer: Rob Hardy
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Ex Machina.