Color Palette of Ex Machina (2014), filmed by Rob Hardy.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#000000 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | |
#537948 | 83 121 72 | 106.53 40.5 47.45 | 106.53 25.39 37.84 | |
#2E5131 | 46 81 49 | 125.14 43.21 31.76 | 125.14 27.56 24.9 | |
#0B240F | 11 36 15 | 129.6 69.44 14.12 | 129.6 53.19 9.22 | |
#8FA7AB | 143 167 171 | 188.57 16.37 67.06 | 188.57 14.29 61.57 | |
#6A8286 | 106 130 134 | 188.57 20.9 52.55 | 188.57 11.67 47.06 | |
#4A6262 | 74 98 98 | 180 24.49 38.43 | 180 13.95 33.73 | |
#263D45 | 38 61 69 | 195.48 44.93 27.06 | 195.48 28.97 20.98 |
- Title: Ex Machina
- Year: 2014
- Director: Alex Garland
- Cinematographer: Rob Hardy
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Ex Machina.