Color Palette of Saving Private Ryan (1998), filmed by Janusz Kamiński.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#3E110C | 62 17 12 | 6 80.65 24.31 | 6 67.57 14.51 | |
#B59B82 | 181 155 130 | 29.41 28.18 70.98 | 29.41 25.63 60.98 | |
#977657 | 151 118 87 | 29.06 42.38 59.22 | 29.06 26.89 46.67 | |
#604033 | 96 64 51 | 17.33 46.88 37.65 | 17.33 30.61 28.82 | |
#322721 | 50 39 33 | 21.18 34 19.61 | 21.18 20.48 16.27 | |
#766F53 | 118 111 83 | 48 29.66 46.27 | 48 17.41 39.41 | |
#2C3226 | 44 50 38 | 90 24 19.61 | 90 13.64 17.25 | |
#789DA5 | 120 157 165 | 190.67 27.27 64.71 | 190.67 20 55.88 |
- Title: Saving Private Ryan
- Year: 1998
- Director: Steven Spielberg
- Cinematographer: Janusz Kamiński
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Saving Private Ryan.