Color Palette of Ex Machina (2014), filmed by Rob Hardy.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#291810 | 41 24 16 | 19.2 60.98 16.08 | 19.2 43.86 11.18 | |
#313D27 | 49 61 39 | 92.73 36.07 23.92 | 92.73 22 19.61 | |
#697861 | 105 120 97 | 99.13 19.17 47.06 | 99.13 10.6 42.55 | |
#515F2A | 81 95 42 | 75.85 55.79 37.25 | 75.85 38.69 26.86 | |
#758640 | 117 134 64 | 74.57 52.24 52.55 | 74.57 35.35 38.82 | |
#020701 | 2 7 1 | 110 85.71 2.75 | 110 75 1.57 | |
#282830 | 40 40 48 | 240 16.67 18.82 | 240 9.09 17.25 | |
#484E5E | 72 78 94 | 223.64 23.4 36.86 | 223.64 13.25 32.55 |
- Title: Ex Machina
- Year: 2014
- Director: Alex Garland
- Cinematographer: Rob Hardy
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Ex Machina.