Color Palette of Ex Machina (2014), filmed by Rob Hardy.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#DA280E | 218 40 14 | 7.65 93.58 85.49 | 7.65 87.93 45.49 | |
#760700 | 118 7 0 | 3.56 100 46.27 | 3.56 100 23.14 | |
#3E0201 | 62 2 1 | 0.98 98.39 24.31 | 0.98 96.83 12.35 | |
#1C0000 | 28 0 0 | 0 100 10.98 | 0 100 5.49 | |
#EE8A1B | 238 138 27 | 31.56 88.66 93.33 | 31.56 86.12 51.96 | |
#2E5FAB | 46 95 171 | 216.48 73.1 67.06 | 216.48 57.6 42.55 | |
#5F55B5 | 95 85 181 | 246.25 53.04 70.98 | 246.25 39.34 52.16 | |
#263B7C | 38 59 124 | 225.35 69.35 48.63 | 225.35 53.09 31.76 |
- Title: Ex Machina
- Year: 2014
- Director: Alex Garland
- Cinematographer: Rob Hardy
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Ex Machina.