Color Palette of Saving Private Ryan (1998), filmed by Janusz Kamiński.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#B4A890 | 180 168 144 | 40 20 70.59 | 40 19.35 63.53 | |
#847965 | 132 121 101 | 38.71 23.48 51.76 | 38.71 13.3 45.69 | |
#645746 | 100 87 70 | 34 30 39.22 | 34 17.65 33.33 | |
#392821 | 57 40 33 | 17.5 42.11 22.35 | 17.5 26.67 17.65 | |
#CECFC7 | 206 207 199 | 67.5 3.86 81.18 | 67.5 7.69 79.61 | |
#1B1C17 | 27 28 23 | 72 17.86 10.98 | 72 9.8 10 | |
#3F443D | 63 68 61 | 102.86 10.29 26.67 | 102.86 5.43 25.29 | |
#73827F | 115 130 127 | 168 11.54 50.98 | 168 6.12 48.04 |
- Title: Saving Private Ryan
- Year: 1998
- Director: Steven Spielberg
- Cinematographer: Janusz Kamiński
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Saving Private Ryan.