Color Palette of Finding Nemo (2003), filmed by Sharon CalahanJeremy Lasky.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#BCFFF8 | 188 255 248 | 173.73 26.27 100 | 173.73 100 86.86 | |
#4C8BAA | 76 139 170 | 199.79 55.29 66.67 | 199.79 38.21 48.24 | |
#2C678F | 44 103 143 | 204.24 69.23 56.08 | 204.24 52.94 36.67 | |
#0D396A | 13 57 106 | 211.61 87.74 41.57 | 211.61 78.15 23.33 | |
#1B0F4F | 27 15 79 | 251.25 81.01 30.98 | 251.25 68.09 18.43 | |
#986CAB | 152 108 171 | 281.9 36.84 67.06 | 281.9 27.27 54.71 | |
#4F2996 | 79 41 150 | 260.92 72.67 58.82 | 260.92 57.07 37.45 | |
#3A0030 | 58 0 48 | 310.34 100 22.75 | 310.34 100 11.37 |
- Title: Finding Nemo
- Year: 2003
- Director: Andrew Stanton
- Cinematographer: Sharon CalahanJeremy Lasky
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Finding Nemo.