Color Palette of Finding Nemo (2003), filmed by Sharon CalahanJeremy Lasky.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#E0412E | 224 65 46 | 6.4 79.46 87.84 | 6.4 74.17 52.94 | |
#E6D7C4 | 230 215 196 | 33.53 14.78 90.2 | 33.53 40.48 83.53 | |
#D7AC8C | 215 172 140 | 25.6 34.88 84.31 | 25.6 48.39 69.61 | |
#5E8690 | 94 134 144 | 192 34.72 56.47 | 192 21.01 46.67 | |
#4F6179 | 79 97 121 | 214.29 34.71 47.45 | 214.29 21 39.22 | |
#845A88 | 132 90 136 | 294.78 33.82 53.33 | 294.78 20.35 44.31 | |
#BD9697 | 189 150 151 | 358.46 20.63 74.12 | 358.46 22.81 66.47 | |
#731516 | 115 21 22 | 359.36 81.74 45.1 | 359.36 69.12 26.67 |
- Title: Finding Nemo
- Year: 2003
- Director: Andrew Stanton
- Cinematographer: Sharon CalahanJeremy Lasky
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Finding Nemo.