Color Palette of Gladiator (2000), filmed by John Mathieson.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#22362D | 34 54 45 | 153 37.04 21.18 | 153 22.73 17.25 | |
#678C94 | 103 140 148 | 190.67 30.41 58.04 | 190.67 17.93 49.22 | |
#75A6CE | 117 166 206 | 206.97 43.2 80.78 | 206.97 47.59 63.33 | |
#4F7FAD | 79 127 173 | 209.36 54.34 67.84 | 209.36 37.3 49.41 | |
#3B5F7F | 59 95 127 | 208.24 53.54 49.8 | 208.24 36.56 36.47 | |
#1D3E71 | 29 62 113 | 216.43 74.34 44.31 | 216.43 59.15 27.84 | |
#23384B | 35 56 75 | 208.5 53.33 29.41 | 208.5 36.36 21.57 | |
#050E1D | 5 14 29 | 217.5 82.76 11.37 | 217.5 70.59 6.67 |
- Title: Gladiator
- Year: 2000
- Director: Ridley Scott
- Cinematographer: John Mathieson
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Gladiator.