Color Palette of Gladiator (2000), filmed by John Mathieson.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#7EA2C6 | 126 162 198 | 210 36.36 77.65 | 210 38.71 63.53 | |
#46709A | 70 112 154 | 210 54.55 60.39 | 210 37.5 43.92 | |
#545A66 | 84 90 102 | 220 17.65 40 | 220 9.68 36.47 | |
#274C78 | 39 76 120 | 212.59 67.5 47.06 | 212.59 50.94 31.18 | |
#263948 | 38 57 72 | 206.47 47.22 28.24 | 206.47 30.91 21.57 | |
#040E1A | 4 14 26 | 212.73 84.62 10.2 | 212.73 73.33 5.88 | |
#4D4260 | 77 66 96 | 262 31.25 37.65 | 262 18.52 31.76 | |
#492936 | 73 41 54 | 335.63 43.84 28.63 | 335.63 28.07 22.35 |
- Title: Gladiator
- Year: 2000
- Director: Ridley Scott
- Cinematographer: John Mathieson
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Gladiator.