Color Palette of Gladiator (2000), filmed by John Mathieson.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#624B45 | 98 75 69 | 12.41 29.59 38.43 | 12.41 17.37 32.75 | |
#EAD2B8 | 234 210 184 | 31.2 21.37 91.76 | 31.2 54.35 81.96 | |
#C58B73 | 197 139 115 | 17.56 41.62 77.25 | 17.56 41.41 61.18 | |
#91766B | 145 118 107 | 17.37 26.21 56.86 | 17.37 15.08 49.41 | |
#9C7240 | 156 114 64 | 32.61 58.97 61.18 | 32.61 41.82 43.14 | |
#804523 | 128 69 35 | 21.94 72.66 50.2 | 21.94 57.06 31.96 | |
#4D1F0F | 77 31 15 | 15.48 80.52 30.2 | 15.48 67.39 18.04 | |
#220F08 | 34 15 8 | 16.15 76.47 13.33 | 16.15 61.9 8.24 |
- Title: Gladiator
- Year: 2000
- Director: Ridley Scott
- Cinematographer: John Mathieson
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Gladiator.