Color Palette of Gladiator (2000), filmed by John Mathieson.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#A77069 | 167 112 105 | 6.77 37.13 65.49 | 6.77 26.05 53.33 | |
#472F23 | 71 47 35 | 20 50.7 27.84 | 20 33.96 20.78 | |
#252116 | 37 33 22 | 44 40.54 14.51 | 44 25.42 11.57 | |
#777985 | 119 121 133 | 231.43 10.53 52.16 | 231.43 5.56 49.41 | |
#444450 | 68 68 80 | 240 15 31.37 | 240 8.11 29.02 | |
#1E2340 | 30 35 64 | 231.18 53.13 25.1 | 231.18 36.17 18.43 | |
#87494C | 135 73 76 | 357.1 45.93 52.94 | 357.1 29.81 40.78 | |
#2D0D12 | 45 13 18 | 350.63 71.11 17.65 | 350.63 55.17 11.37 |
- Title: Gladiator
- Year: 2000
- Director: Ridley Scott
- Cinematographer: John Mathieson
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Gladiator.