Color Palette of Inception (2010), filmed by Wally Pfister.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#503E3C | 80 62 60 | 6 25 31.37 | 6 14.29 27.45 | |
#7C6962 | 124 105 98 | 16.15 20.97 48.63 | 16.15 11.71 43.53 | |
#221D1A | 34 29 26 | 22.5 23.53 13.33 | 22.5 13.33 11.76 | |
#A4A699 | 164 166 153 | 69.23 7.83 65.1 | 69.23 6.81 62.55 | |
#7E7F7A | 126 127 122 | 72 3.94 49.8 | 72 2.01 48.82 | |
#58656E | 88 101 110 | 204.55 20 43.14 | 204.55 11.11 38.82 | |
#383C45 | 56 60 69 | 221.54 18.84 27.06 | 221.54 10.4 24.51 |
- Title: Inception
- Year: 2010
- Director: Sir Christopher Nolan
- Cinematographer: Wally Pfister
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Inception.