Color Palette of Inception (2010), filmed by Wally Pfister.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#3D2F2E | 61 47 46 | 4 24.59 23.92 | 4 14.02 20.98 | |
#6B544E | 107 84 78 | 12.41 27.1 41.96 | 12.41 15.68 36.27 | |
#8C7668 | 140 118 104 | 23.33 25.71 54.9 | 23.33 14.75 47.84 | |
#AFB3A5 | 175 179 165 | 77.14 7.82 70.2 | 77.14 8.43 67.45 | |
#858E8B | 133 142 139 | 160 6.34 55.69 | 160 3.83 53.92 | |
#141519 | 20 21 25 | 228 20 9.8 | 228 11.11 8.82 | |
#677077 | 103 112 119 | 206.25 13.45 46.67 | 206.25 7.21 43.53 | |
#454D58 | 69 77 88 | 214.74 21.59 34.51 | 214.74 12.1 30.78 |
- Title: Inception
- Year: 2010
- Director: Sir Christopher Nolan
- Cinematographer: Wally Pfister
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Inception.