Color Palette of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009), filmed by Bruno Delbonnel.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#AD9B6D | 173 155 109 | 43.13 36.99 67.84 | 43.13 28.07 55.29 | |
#5D5234 | 93 82 52 | 43.9 44.09 36.47 | 43.9 28.28 28.43 | |
#513520 | 81 53 32 | 25.71 60.49 31.76 | 25.71 43.36 22.16 | |
#211306 | 33 19 6 | 28.89 81.82 12.94 | 28.89 69.23 7.65 | |
#D1D0A2 | 209 208 162 | 58.72 22.49 81.96 | 58.72 33.81 72.75 | |
#7E754C | 126 117 76 | 49.2 39.68 49.41 | 49.2 24.75 39.61 | |
#332C12 | 51 44 18 | 47.27 64.71 20 | 47.27 47.83 13.53 | |
#94A487 | 148 164 135 | 93.1 17.68 64.31 | 93.1 13.74 58.63 |
- Title: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
- Year: 2009
- Director: David Yates
- Cinematographer: Bruno Delbonnel
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.