Color Palette of The Darjeeling Limited (2007), filmed by Robert D. Yeoman.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#776B53 | 119 107 83 | 40 30.25 46.67 | 40 17.82 39.61 | |
#291200 | 41 18 0 | 26.34 100 16.08 | 26.34 100 8.04 | |
#0B0E05 | 11 14 5 | 80 64.29 5.49 | 80 47.37 3.73 | |
#AC7848 | 172 120 72 | 28.8 58.14 67.45 | 28.8 40.98 47.84 | |
#5E3201 | 94 50 1 | 31.61 98.94 36.86 | 31.61 97.89 18.63 | |
#D6BE7E | 214 190 126 | 43.64 41.12 83.92 | 43.64 51.76 66.67 | |
#954F14 | 149 79 20 | 27.44 86.58 58.43 | 27.44 76.33 33.14 | |
#B8C6B7 | 184 198 183 | 116 7.58 77.65 | 116 11.63 74.71 |
- Title: The Darjeeling Limited
- Year: 2007
- Director: Wes Anderson
- Cinematographer: Robert D. Yeoman
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of The Darjeeling Limited.