Color Palette of The Darjeeling Limited (2007), filmed by Robert D. Yeoman.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#3D0F00 | 61 15 0 | 14.75 100 23.92 | 14.75 100 11.96 | |
#B69F6D | 182 159 109 | 41.1 40.11 71.37 | 41.1 33.33 57.06 | |
#BF7D4D | 191 125 77 | 25.26 59.69 74.9 | 25.26 47.11 52.55 | |
#AA572F | 170 87 47 | 19.51 72.35 66.67 | 19.51 56.68 42.55 | |
#7D5402 | 125 84 2 | 40 98.4 49.02 | 40 96.85 24.9 | |
#4A300B | 74 48 11 | 35.24 85.14 29.02 | 35.24 74.12 16.67 | |
#131508 | 19 21 8 | 69.23 61.9 8.24 | 69.23 44.83 5.69 | |
#7B0002 | 123 0 2 | 359.02 100 48.24 | 359.02 100 24.12 |
- Title: The Darjeeling Limited
- Year: 2007
- Director: Wes Anderson
- Cinematographer: Robert D. Yeoman
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of The Darjeeling Limited.