Color Palette of The Darjeeling Limited (2007), filmed by Robert D. Yeoman.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#301504 | 48 21 4 | 23.18 91.67 18.82 | 23.18 84.62 10.2 | |
#463917 | 70 57 23 | 43.4 67.14 27.45 | 43.4 50.54 18.24 | |
#85713F | 133 113 63 | 42.86 52.63 52.16 | 42.86 35.71 38.43 | |
#631201 | 99 18 1 | 10.41 98.99 38.82 | 10.41 98 19.61 | |
#C97F40 | 201 127 64 | 27.59 68.16 78.82 | 27.59 55.92 51.96 | |
#A62F04 | 166 47 4 | 15.93 97.59 65.1 | 15.93 95.29 33.33 | |
#AA860C | 170 134 12 | 46.33 92.94 66.67 | 46.33 86.81 35.69 | |
#000E0E | 0 14 14 | 180 100 5.49 | 180 100 2.75 |
- Title: The Darjeeling Limited
- Year: 2007
- Director: Wes Anderson
- Cinematographer: Robert D. Yeoman
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of The Darjeeling Limited.