Color Palette of The Dark Knight (2008), filmed by Wally Pfister.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#2F1812 | 47 24 18 | 12.41 61.7 18.43 | 12.41 44.62 12.75 | |
#988B7B | 152 139 123 | 33.1 19.08 59.61 | 33.1 12.34 53.92 | |
#7A6957 | 122 105 87 | 30.86 28.69 47.84 | 30.86 16.75 40.98 | |
#5C4535 | 92 69 53 | 24.62 42.39 36.08 | 24.62 26.9 28.43 | |
#372D14 | 55 45 20 | 42.86 63.64 21.57 | 42.86 46.67 14.71 | |
#1F305B | 31 48 91 | 223 65.93 35.69 | 223 49.18 23.92 | |
#131217 | 19 18 23 | 252 21.74 9.02 | 252 12.2 8.04 | |
#5D141B | 93 20 27 | 354.25 78.49 36.47 | 354.25 64.6 22.16 |
- Title: The Dark Knight
- Year: 2008
- Director: Sir Christopher Nolan
- Cinematographer: Wally Pfister
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of The Dark Knight.