Color Palette of The Dark Knight (2008), filmed by Wally Pfister.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#82614E | 130 97 78 | 21.92 40 50.98 | 21.92 25 40.78 | |
#73653E | 115 101 62 | 44.15 46.09 45.1 | 44.15 29.94 34.71 | |
#503927 | 80 57 39 | 26.34 51.25 31.37 | 26.34 34.45 23.33 | |
#231A15 | 35 26 21 | 21.43 40 13.73 | 21.43 25 10.98 | |
#3DC063 | 61 192 99 | 137.4 68.23 75.29 | 137.4 51.78 49.61 | |
#0B9033 | 11 144 51 | 138.05 92.36 56.47 | 138.05 85.81 30.39 | |
#36428C | 54 66 140 | 231.63 61.43 54.9 | 231.63 44.33 38.04 | |
#17174B | 23 23 75 | 240 69.33 29.41 | 240 53.06 19.22 |
- Title: The Dark Knight
- Year: 2008
- Director: Christopher Nolan
- Cinematographer: Wally Pfister
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of The Dark Knight.