Color Palette of The Dark Knight (2008), filmed by Wally Pfister.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#4A322E | 74 50 46 | 8.57 37.84 29.02 | 8.57 23.33 23.53 | |
#4C5449 | 76 84 73 | 103.64 13.1 32.94 | 103.64 7.01 30.78 | |
#6C766E | 108 118 110 | 132 8.47 46.27 | 132 4.42 44.31 | |
#B2BBC0 | 178 187 192 | 201.43 7.29 75.29 | 201.43 10 72.55 | |
#869197 | 134 145 151 | 201.18 11.26 59.22 | 201.18 7.56 55.88 | |
#525870 | 82 88 112 | 228 26.79 43.92 | 228 15.46 38.04 | |
#2E3346 | 46 51 70 | 227.5 34.29 27.45 | 227.5 20.69 22.75 | |
#121317 | 18 19 23 | 228 21.74 9.02 | 228 12.2 8.04 |
- Title: The Dark Knight
- Year: 2008
- Director: Christopher Nolan
- Cinematographer: Wally Pfister
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of The Dark Knight.