Festivitetssalongen (1965)

Film Festivitetssalongen by director Stig Ossian Ericson with cinematographer Rune Ericson, writer Stig Ossian Ericson, composers Erik Nordgren and Georg Riedel and editor Ingemar Ejve.

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Starring in Festivitetssalongen from 1965 is Lena Granhagen, Toivo Pawlo and Georg Rydeberg, among others.


  • Title: Festivitetssalongen
  • Year: 1965
  • Duration: 86 minutes (1h 26m)

Festivitetssalongen Crew

The main crew of Festivitetssalongen consists of:

Festivitetssalongen Cast

The main cast of Festivitetssalongen consists of Lena Granhagen as flickan, fröken Blom, Toivo Pawlo as överste Grip and Georg Rydeberg as värden Bergkvist.

List of All Cast in Festivitetssalongen

The entire cast of Festivitetssalongen is listed below, in alphabetical order.

Agneta Prytzsystern
Allan Edwallläkaren
Curt Ericsonkompisen
Georg Rydebergvärden Bergkvist
Gösta EkmanBlom - Journalist
Lena Granhagenflickan, fröken Blom
Maude Adelsonden andra flickan
Nils Fritzkollegan
Rolf Bengtssonpolischefen
Sigge Fürstredaktören
Sonja Kolthoffhushållerskan
Sten Ardenstamslaktaren Olle
Stig Ossian Ericsonprästen
Toivo Pawloöverste Grip

Festivitetssalongen can be purchased from Amazon or eBay.