Firma priklyucheniy (1991)

Film Firma priklyucheniy by director Igor Voznesensky with writer Igor Voznesensky.

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Starring in Firma priklyucheniy from 1991 is Albert Filozov, Vladimir Steklov and Anatoli Vasilyev, among others.


  • Title: Firma priklyucheniy
  • Year: 1991

Firma priklyucheniy Crew

The main crew of Firma priklyucheniy consists of:

Firma priklyucheniy Cast

The main cast of Firma priklyucheniy consists of Albert Filozov, Vladimir Steklov as Fred Chester - Journalist and Anatoli Vasilyev as David Guard - commissioner.

List of All Cast in Firma priklyucheniy

The entire cast of Firma priklyucheniy is listed below, in alphabetical order.

Albert Filozov
Anatoli VasilyevDavid Guard - commissioner
Arnis Līcītis
Dmitry Zhuravlevresident
Milena TontegodeDinah Lunn is the fiancée of future President Keith Baquero
Viktor Pavlov
Vladimir SteklovFred Chester - Journalist

Firma priklyucheniy can be purchased from Amazon or eBay.