Color Palette of Black Swan (2010), filmed by Matthew Libatique.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#AC935B | 172 147 91 | 41.48 47.09 67.45 | 41.48 32.79 51.57 | |
#88683F | 136 104 63 | 33.7 53.68 53.33 | 33.7 36.68 39.02 | |
#5C421F | 92 66 31 | 34.43 66.3 36.08 | 34.43 49.59 24.12 | |
#342E20 | 52 46 32 | 42 38.46 20.39 | 42 23.81 16.47 | |
#E8E9DB | 232 233 219 | 64.29 6.01 91.37 | 64.29 24.14 88.63 | |
#51524A | 81 82 74 | 67.5 9.76 32.16 | 67.5 5.13 30.59 | |
#646770 | 100 103 112 | 225 10.71 43.92 | 225 5.66 41.57 | |
#0F1316 | 15 19 22 | 205.71 31.82 8.63 | 205.71 18.92 7.25 |
- Title: Black Swan
- Year: 2010
- Director: Darren Aronofsky
- Cinematographer: Matthew Libatique
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Black Swan.