Color Palette of Black Swan (2010), filmed by Matthew Libatique.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#694545 | 105 69 69 | 0 34.29 41.18 | 0 20.69 34.12 | |
#ADA9A6 | 173 169 166 | 25.71 4.05 67.84 | 25.71 4.09 66.47 | |
#8F7D6F | 143 125 111 | 26.25 22.38 56.08 | 26.25 12.6 49.8 | |
#725D4A | 114 93 74 | 28.5 35.09 44.71 | 28.5 21.28 36.86 | |
#49392A | 73 57 42 | 29.03 42.47 28.63 | 29.03 26.96 22.55 | |
#24130B | 36 19 11 | 19.2 69.44 14.12 | 19.2 53.19 9.22 | |
#333834 | 51 56 52 | 132 8.93 21.96 | 132 4.67 20.98 | |
#0B0F10 | 11 15 16 | 192 31.25 6.27 | 192 18.52 5.29 |
- Title: Black Swan
- Year: 2010
- Director: Darren Aronofsky
- Cinematographer: Matthew Libatique
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Black Swan.