Color Palette of Black Swan (2010), filmed by Matthew Libatique.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#B4AC95 | 180 172 149 | 44.52 17.22 70.59 | 44.52 17.13 64.51 | |
#9B897D | 155 137 125 | 24 19.35 60.78 | 24 13.04 54.9 | |
#68564C | 104 86 76 | 21.43 26.92 40.78 | 21.43 15.56 35.29 | |
#32281E | 50 40 30 | 30 40 19.61 | 30 25 15.69 | |
#797A6A | 121 122 106 | 63.75 13.11 47.84 | 63.75 7.02 44.71 | |
#0B0F12 | 11 15 18 | 205.71 38.89 7.06 | 205.71 24.14 5.69 | |
#444348 | 68 67 72 | 252 6.94 28.24 | 252 3.6 27.25 | |
#7C6F76 | 124 111 118 | 327.69 10.48 48.63 | 327.69 5.53 46.08 |
- Title: Black Swan
- Year: 2010
- Director: Darren Aronofsky
- Cinematographer: Matthew Libatique
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Black Swan.