Color Palette of Black Swan (2010), filmed by Matthew Libatique.
Color | HEX | RGB | HSV | HSL |
#755D5B | 117 93 91 | 4.62 22.22 45.88 | 4.62 12.5 40.78 | |
#98807E | 152 128 126 | 4.62 17.11 59.61 | 4.62 11.21 54.51 | |
#54483A | 84 72 58 | 32.31 30.95 32.94 | 32.31 18.31 27.84 | |
#786F5E | 120 111 94 | 39.23 21.67 47.06 | 39.23 12.15 41.96 | |
#2D2111 | 45 33 17 | 34.29 62.22 17.65 | 34.29 45.16 12.16 | |
#959384 | 149 147 132 | 52.94 11.41 58.43 | 52.94 7.42 55.1 | |
#C8C6B9 | 200 198 185 | 52 7.5 78.43 | 52 12 75.49 | |
#0E0C0F | 14 12 15 | 280 20 5.88 | 280 11.11 5.29 |
- Title: Black Swan
- Year: 2010
- Director: Darren Aronofsky
- Cinematographer: Matthew Libatique
You can also take a look at the False Color image / Exposure waveform image of Black Swan.